Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Oh my god.. You have got to be s**ting me.

(May contain some swearing)

They have re made The pink panther, an all together great film with The pink panther. With Steve Martin an ok funny guy, but lets face it, I haven't seen a great film from him in ages, the guy who played Leon a great film, and he's been in some other stuff, and f**king Beyonce.. Beyonce!!! I ask you.

For the sanity of all I point out I haven't seen it, but, while the clip on TV was mildly amusing.. If the trailer can only contain 1 funny.. It's usually not that funny.

If this film doesn't suck as bad as it sounds like it does, please, feel free to tell me its actually worth watching should I ever see it as a film listed as viewable free where I live on terrestrial TV.

1 comment:

Blandishment Blog said...

Helloooooooo Liz!

Being an avid fan of the originals with Peter Sellers and loving the original Blake Edwards cartoons, I must advise you to go see this movie!

As I posted on my blog I saw it with the kids a couple of weeks ago and it was excellent! Steve Martin was very good in the role.

My only complaint would be that the Chief Inspector was certainly not up to snuff with the original movies, but, other than that!