Friday, March 17, 2006

Job agencies, please read!

For 2 years I had my CV on job sites, desparately looking for a job, I have a number of skills, and have had very few complaints about my capabilities, so, you'd think finding a job would not be that hard.

Finally, I got a job I wanted near on 15 months ago, so I removed myself from all the job sites, and started with the polite replies to agencies with "Ive found a job, and am no longer looking" etc.

Well, Im still getting messages about jobs that werent entirely suitable ever, but, more to the point, its now got to a point where I have little wish to be polite to them about the fact that they still havent removed me from their lists, or arent even sending jobs that would be suitable.

Todays was the most insulting to date.

Area: not suitable, area of job: development - which I left for a reason nearly 7 years ago I do tech support now, and finally.. the mail was sent to me and started "Dear Sirs"

I wish more job agencies went out of business, as if they are still havent got round to updating their info from 15 months ago, what chance do these people have of finding me a job Id want??

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