Wednesday, December 31, 2008

So. Its new years eve

I look back upon 2008 and I find mainly disapointments, the few up notes, seemed to be after major down points where to be frank realistically statistically up was an almost dead cert.

I started the year mad at karate, mad at the guy who ran the region, annoyed with my job, I end the year glad to have found the trainer in karate I have, and annoyed with my job. Along the way, my job went through a rapid plummet to the floor, followed by a lift where supposedly it all changed, only to replummet when it turned out that the "new job" and "new manager" actually dont exist, Im stuck with the same rot I never signed up to do, and the man who has spent a lot of time seemingly making my job even more miserable still gets to dictate nearly every moment of my working life.

I didnt get a rise this year because the guy rated me as useless because he had stripped me of all I was good at and given it to others, this year I expect hes going to rate me the same, because Im stuck in a job I dont have the skills for and signed a contract getting me out of - only apparently this contract is basically void..

So, now to look forward to whats to come next year..

Im hoping to gain 1 or 2 (maybe) belts in karate, I want to lose more weight, I want to get on with one of my websites and aim to make a little money from it, I hope, Im not expecting miricles however, but I aim to sell a few crochet patterns before the year is out. I hope to resolve my job issue, but with the current climate that doesnt seem hugely likely.

So far I have a few things to look forward to

1. Seeing sensei again, he always makes me smile
2. Creating Blanket for Dad
3. Creating a blanket for a friend
4. Finding more victims for crochet (blankets, scarfs etc)
5. Grading to red belt sometime..

Things Im not looking forward to:

1. My review at work - for previously stated reasons
2. The struggle to lose weight
3. Sorting out some home based issues

Oh well.
The new year comes wether we want it or not. No new years resolutions for me, but, I am determind to at least look back and see not the same again.

Friday, December 26, 2008

So, Christmas is done with..

Part of me always feels so alone at christmas, I think its because of all the hype on tv. It goes on about how its a special time of year, how good prevails, or that theres always someone super loving and kind, and that magic always happens.

A wise man once said you cant feel more alone than in a crowded city, and I think in many ways thats true, when the expectations of being with people is highest, you can realise most that no one knows you and you arentnt that close to people as you thought.

This year I find myself thinking of someone who got divorced this year, who has smiled despite every bit of crap thrown at them, they are someone who makes me smile and someone I care a lot for as a result. Sadly, Im not spending Christmas with them, we're in touch but its not the same.

So, to my friend this is a public note - you'll never read - to say at this moment I have the most love for you, of all people out there, because I know this year you are even more alone than I feel, and its for this reason, its me thinking of you, and I wish I could make you smile as much as you do me. You mean a lot.

As for those of you who do read this :) and I know you guys are my good friends, I think of you too, Im sure there are people who maybe stumble upon this blog who maybe I dont know, and my wish for you is that you leave a note to say you came, but also that you dont feel as alone and sad this time of year, that your lives are filled with joy.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

My fur!!!

Poor me, poor me.. For my fur has been shaved! I am all but bald!!

I am of course Charlie the dog.. My poor fur! I am happier now though, it had got a bit knotted and it was uncomfy.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Credit Crunch

So.. I have a burning question, inside about the credit crunch.. This post could go long.. so bear with me.


So, all around the globe theres a humongous amount of money, each country has its share, big or small.

Companies within most of the non 3rd world level areas have been telling us to take loans and get credit for the last bunch of years, heck, if you're more than 18 and you havent had that you've been pre-approved, please have our credit card, please take a mortgage, please take loans.. from someone, you must be under a rock...

Lets take a closer look at my country, petrol prices over the last year have gone from bad to extortion.. looking back 3 months or so, it was nearly a dollar higher than it is now per litre! Mortgage interest rates have plummeted, when I took out a mortgage in 95 I got 6.99 and that was a good rate, now they're doing like 4.5, some places less!

Now, Im sorry but..

Credit crunch..

Sure, the banks have paid the price for over borrowing and dont have it to give out, but, those already who had borrowed are getting better interest rates meaning their payments are less (see mortgages), those who drive a lot, are paying less now for petrol than they did 3 months back..

Now, if you say had 1800 a month income, and 1200 went on mortgage, 200 on petrol, the rest on you.. technically if that was 3 months back, you could be looking at around 1000 or less for your mortgage payment, and 130 for petrol.. but your salary has remained the same.. so.. credit crunch? Surely? you are better off now, so why arent people spending..


because lots of people are running round saying that the credit crunch means tons of redundancies, and that people cant afford to live - so people horde, so they try and save in case it happens to them, so yes, then people DONT spend, so then there IS an issue with companies not getting the money to keep employing people..

Is it only me who thinks is a catch 22 which if the media had shut the heck up, would only be effecting a much smaller number of people - such as those who needed to borrow and now cant?