Sunday, March 05, 2006

The cravings of a deprived mind

Previously I mentioned that I was after a shell suit since like forever.

Now, I guess I might as well tell some more.

In the past I tried knitting.. I sucked. I did patchwork quilts, I enjoyed it, did very well in fact as you can see from the pictures, I made 3. the first (the white, red, black one) was done to spec of a guy I was going out with, took years, the other 2 are actually two sides of the same thing and are around 8 ft square.. its huge. Both sides actually only took me 6 months. I kinda miss it, but dog paws are not patchwork quilt friendly unless you can get some material thats almost like old carpet and thats a cow to sew with.

Before that, as a child and early adult, I did some torchon+honiton lace making, but, my items always had a problem, they would twist when released. So, after many battles trying to achieve this. I half gave up. I still have my stuff, but the will is small as anything I made twisted so I never got onto the pretty stuff.

So, this void in my life has been calling.. and heres the cravings its having..

Crochet and Needle lace

Everyones heard of crochet, its the kinda stuff grannys always did, you have a thing looking like a large tooth pick almost and a ball of yarn.. and well stuff comes out. Needle lace is much like bobbin style lace making, well without the bobbins.. Apparently its a slow as molases in the arctic, but, my biggest problem with so much of these things is I need to be able to put them down.

So, I dont have much info on needle lace, other than you use a lot of button hole type stitches and pray, and I get that, I really do, but, how do you do the outside?? so, not being any wiser Im off on a mission. Crochet. You need so little to do crochet, so, I ordered me on ebay about 800g of yarn and a needle, pretty cheap too. All I need now is for it to turn up before Im not in the mood again :)

You know, all I really want to do is make some book marks!!!

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