Thursday, April 06, 2006

So, its Thursday

Ever had those feelings that days come and go, weeks come and go, months come and go and you just don't have time to make what you want of it?

TV suckers us into believing that you can get up at about 7, run 15 miles, shower, have breakfast, travel to work and still be there for 9.. Have an trip to a restaurant and eat it, without indigestion in a 1 hour lunchbreak, and, go home, have the sun still shine that you can do what would seem to most to be a whole days worth of activities.

Sadly the reality is you get up, you barely have time to get clean and throw some food in your face if you got up more like 6.30, you get to work before 9 coz no one seems to start at 9 now.. Also of course we work till 5.30 often too and it seems companies would much rather we had a 30 minute lunch break.. Oh and of course the reality is a lot of us don't even end up with lunch breaks.. Home time comes, and time ebbs away as you head home, you get home in time to change, eat, and sit down yet somehow now its nearer 8/8.30 and its often far from "light" outside, by the time you've relaxed enough to forget anything that bugged you at work its time to get to bed coz unlike people on TV, it takes more than 3 seconds to clean and get ready for bed, and we need to sleep unlike TV people who can either be at it like rabbits all night and still somehow be awake the next day, or, wake up looking perfect.. Some of us have to work hours to look the messes that we do!

On Saturdays and Sundays of course, rather than relaxing and doing hobbies, we spend a lot of it, cleaning, washing and shopping to stop us starving the next week. A few hours are grabbed late afternoon evening to do things we maybe want to or visit people we potentially have to to keep family feelings alive and well, and friendships in existence.. Sunday night comes all too fast and its Monday and the cycle begins again

PS 15+" through the front of the jumper from hell now.


Blandishment Blog said...

I often feel the way uyou describe, and even at work some days (heck most days!) it seems I am so busy putting out fires, responding to emails, directing workloads and work to be done, fighting technology that in no way behaves as the oily vendors assured us it would, that I never get any work done!

Anonymous said...

In fact I get up at 7, prepare a mug of tea, get a shower (brushing my teeth there) get dressed and spend the time until 7:45 with reading. The only bad thing is, that when leaving at 7:45 I'll be at work at 8:30 - half an hour too early. Yet if I leave at 8, I'll get into traffic and barely manage to arrive on time.