OK, heres the thing
Ive been told more than asked if I would work saturday, given I had done the easter weekend, I am far from keen, however, a) Im really the only one who could do it, b) Id probably be the only who would do it and c) I was kidna told that anyone whos not flexible wouldnt get a rise, so I dont feel I could say no, even if I needed or wanted to.
The work was due to be an hour or so. An hour midday, and then a couple of minutes later..
Now its get in at 8am.. and pretty much be there 12 hours, and if it goes wrong 5 hours sunday, despite me saying I really cant do sunday..
So my question to myself is am I being unreasonable?
My easter weekend I was asked to be there saturday 5am, was there till 7.30, then called 11.30, 12.30, got in1.30, stayed till 6.30.. and was so tired I dont remember sunday, or much of monday which was a free day off work.. for this, yes, I get paid, but, its like 7 hours.. for wrecking a whole weekend.. and when you're paid like 50p an hour.. the £3.50 aint going to make it any better.. (Ok its more than that but you know what I mean) to be honest, even 300 pounds wouldnt necessarily make up for the lost time. The company does offer time of in lieu, (TOIL) but, unless your friends/family etc can all take the time off, its not time you can spend with them, so its not the same. That and all the things put on over the weekend wont be on either.
Easter was only a couple of weeks ago, and yes, we have a 3 day weekend this weekend but if Im in work all of saturday.. How reasonable is that on me? or my husband?
Husband of course now is ill, so, despite me being grumpy he had expected me to go to the store food shopping on the easter saturday while I was working .. his own words were "cant you do it on your way home" (at 7.30am the damn shop is shut.. so no) Im sure the same will come again this weekend..
I made a new scarf yesterday, remember I made a scarf for a friend it was made of cotton and not very warm, but it was the first one I made. Well, I made him a fluffy usable one too. Only took me last night.. Im dead pleased!!