Tuesday, February 28, 2006

CSI night

Tuesdays sees 2 episodes of CSI on channel 5. Charlie (one of my 2 dogs) loves it. In fact, just before 9 if you havent tuned the tv on in the bedroom he will nag you to do so. Then settle down to watch, only leaving during advert breaks.

Hes such a cutie.

(Kiera the other dog is usually asleep somewhere)


As predicted the snow stopped a while back, its turned into a fairly sunny day.. Shame though, I really want a good load of snow!

Yay!! Snow!!

In my opinion we don't get enough snow here in the uk. Its snowing a treat right now, sadly, it won't last!

First rant

So, its Tuesday. I get to work the sun is shineing and I am fresh from the walk, I sit down, fire up the laptop, get a cup of tea and start the catch up on the nights mails.

Hmm, some backups didn't work... Boss has mailed me, cluster went down.. eep, net he tried to ring me and my mobile is out of batteries.. I shall recharge it...Take a look... Cluster is down because it rebooted and the half wits who set the boxes up didn't set the cluster to start up on reboot......

I should now find out if I can are why it looks like those 2 boxes rebooted, as in looks like both started didn't shutdown, and the other 6 in the enclosure stayed up...

Oh well, at least CSI is on tonight

Monday, February 27, 2006

Something screamingly funny

Normally Im not the kind who raves about some funny picture, or, passes on joke mails. However, someone brought this to my attention. Im sorry, but wether you play world of warcraft, or just have a good sense of humor. You need to see this

A more serious side

I should say I do have a more serious side.. see my other blog for details!

A quick note

I would just like to say to the guys who made this site. Major kudos to the fact you can post in by Email (shame it cant take plain text and use it as html), as well as change the template 100% to suit your needs. The fact I'm lazy and have gone for an almost standard one with little alteration is a reflection of my lazyness, not lack of skill or thought on your behalf.

For those who happen upon my blog, and are considering who to pick, well, live journal has a nice interface you can code a program to do it from off site, but, its also got some down points (IMHO), where as this, is pretty much what you make of it.

First post!

Well. I should point out here, Im a terrible blogger. However, I guess this says more about me than I could probably put into words. Im a talkative person by nature, however, most of what is likely to come will be short rants about various people and things that pass into my life. I will try at best to give codenames to people so as a) not to get me into trouble b) not embarass them if they ever find this.

I should say, I apologise for my spelling, and for anyone I insult as part of writing my blog. If you feature here at any point, rest assured I dont hold grudges as a whole, and Im just annoyed at you for the thing I will rant about, not at you in general.. (unless you're really really special!)

Im a person of good intentions, so, I will mean to post to this. However, intentions dont make the world go round, so, I will likely forget on many many occasions.

So.. whats on the cards today..

Not a lot :) why? because :P