Saturday, June 14, 2008

Frustrating week..

Sorry for not posting for ages, a while ago I took up a volenteer role at:

You can get a lot of website there for free, which is never a bad deal, and as a result, I do spend a fair bit of time as a Senior Account Manager helping people who've messed their accounts, etc

The last 7 days go like this:

Last friday..

I went to karate, was really trying hard as it was grading sunday, and while Im sensitive to grading its not an issue about me not grading that hurts its the seeing others who graded who IMHO shouldnt have, eg, they are now a belt higher than me, and act like someone whos worse than me. Its that that upsets me..

So I worked my socks off..

End of the lesson came, sensei gave grading permission slips to people who hadnt met the requirements, were a few lessons short..

My turn came..

You've plenty of lessons, you'd pass if I put you forward, but, Im not going to... What a slap in the face, dont get me wrong, I know there are things I can improve on (heck if I listed them here you'd fall asleep) but, at the same time, Im not going for a black belt, far from it, in terms of time, Im not even half way to a black belt, again the problem is looking at those of the same colour I would be, Im no worse than them. However, begrudgingly I accept that my sensei does it for a reason, and so went to the store to buy a big bar of white choccie to get over it.. and set off home..

On the way, I passed some people in a group and thought "Hey their dog looks like Maddie!" and drove home..

Got home, "Woof Woof Woof!" opened the door, 2 dogs.. Hmm.. Maddie?? Maddie!!??

After scouring the house and garden .. We were a dog short...

Went back to get dog from the people I had passed in the street... Oh the shame of it!!!


Sunday comes, the day of the grading, I decide to sit in the garden for a bit, to chill, and mope about the fact people were now grading and now Id find more people who have a higher belt than me and would make me feel down..

Was playing with Maddie.. Whos not very good at the whole "give" thing.. so, put my finger in (as you have to) to extract the tennis ball thing.. and *chomp* "OW OW OW" .. grabbed finger, blood drips out of the clenched fist around it.. eep.. thats bad..

Thankfully it just blead a lot.. it was a small puncture wound and a 1cm split.. darn that hurt.. see? If I had graded my finger wouldnt hurt now..

Im getting greif at work, my "day job" part takes longer than I want it to, but someone who wants me to do some additional parts is getting rather upset I havent done and finished things they want, I dont see how Im supposed to fit all this in, everything they give me is always "top priority" and I should to it "Now" .. but there are only so many things that you *can* do now....