Thursday, February 22, 2007

Revenge of the jumper

So.. for all of you who followed the jumper that turned into the world biggest mess, you may recall (Im sure its mentioned) that Im workingon revenge of the jumper.. This one looks to be going more to plan, its got a few dodgy bits in it, where it look slike holes but they arent.. I promise.. I dunno what they are, but they arent holes made in a traditional way anyway..

Repeat after me: I HATE KNITTING

so, tonight, its 10.30pm, I just finished the front, so Ive done front and back now..

2 sleeves and the neck to go, not much in comparison it has to be said - although, scaryingly did you know, the top of your sleeve is nearly as wide (when flat eg not in a tube shape) as the chest??

However, I am rejoicing in the fact I could kinda sew it now and call it a tank top :P

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