Saturday was the day I officially got older. Saturday was the day I had enough of everything, and I mean.. *everything*.. if it existed, I was probably mad at it.. The two werent actually related but anything thinking so could be forgiven.
Sunday was a day of slobbing around and doing as little as was achievable. I was successful on this day.
Monday saw my boss send me an appraisal form, I have no job description, I have no work to do, because we have a 10 man team for a < 1 man amount of work, and when I started it was just me, and they didnt get more coz I couldnt cope, no, the more was always planned, problem is, they seem to think that there is a lot todo.. yeah "we're busy doing nothing, working the whole day through.. trying to find lots of things not to do.." but my manager has said that we should only comment our the last 6 months worth of work (or lack of).. so.. let me see..
What skills do I feel should be expected for my job.. as I do nothing.. I guess "none"
compare your expected skills list against your actual.. well as Im insanely overqualified.. Im a god (in comparison) .. I of course put nearly all top marks as the descriptions are wooly enough that to be honest you could be a corpse and still rate top.
Finally, what job title do you want next and what time frame.. Well, as no one gets promoted round there.. how can you write anything in that box??
oh well.
Oh, and one of the team is off on hols this week so Im doing his nano seconds worth of work.. the longest part is walking to another building to put some tapes in the safe, and well you can stretch that to a 5 minute absense from your desk if you try...
Tuesday (today)...
Today sees boredom at a high level.. Finally the decision to redo my website. Its not the graphics (or even lack of), its not the content, its not the php behind it to make it useful, its nothing like that.. the bit that gets me each and every stinking time.. and drives me mad
Whatever I do, what ever I look at it just never looks right. Its still the unread rule that there are only 216 colours you should use on your website. Why? well theres 00,33,66,99,AA,CC,FF for each of the 3 combinations. These come out as 216 colours.
My site always looks to me as either bland or garish, theres never something nice in the middle or colours that you try to make subtle when slapped all over a page look really really vomit wrenching. Colours you know that go in reality dont seem to work as websites, or, you get the general colours and cant read it, or, the final pincher.. colour blind people wouldnt be able to use it.