Saturday, July 01, 2006

More on how macgyver


Not that long ago, I blamed Macgyver for my disapointment with the world. So, in fairness I thought Id explain now how despite Im sure I didnt see most of them, heres some of the things I think he (or the program) has brought into my life (its weird going through the series as I am now, Im on series 2, Im recognising things its not like I remembered but obviously hadnt forgotten, whats even odder is seeing Sulu, Bonnie and Devon(startrek and the last 2 from Knightrider!), in various episodes.)

The show MacGyver was shot when I was 13 to imdb claims 20.. but, Im sorry, I dont remember them maybe I only saw the first couple of series.. (like most kids I didnt see a lot of tv, it wasnt so common to glue yourself to the box every night, either that or it was on when I was doing something else, most likely it was a saturday in which case it would have been my music lessons.. sigh)

So, I dont remember much of macgyver at school but somehow, I know hes responsible, as I explained before.

So, how has it also been positive.

I believe you dont have to use voilence to win (ok not all his influence, but hey, it helped)
I believe theres always hope and a way
I have always carried a penknife almost everywhere..
Make use of what you have around you
Theres always more than 1 way to do something
You can always get round something if you have time and effort and it is worth trying.
There are good people out there.

PS I warn you.. there maybe more crochet entries coming (just nod and say, "well done" or something :P)

1 comment:

Blandishment Blog said...

Yay MacGyver Posts!

BOO More Crochet Posts!!!
