Friday, March 31, 2006


I like fridays. Why? well other than the weekend starts here, where I work we only have to do half days on fridays as we work an hour extra the rest of the week, so if you get to work real early you leave at 12 and your weekend starts there. Very nice.

The knitting of the jumper is still going, Im 12 inches up the back. Once I reach 20 I get to start marking arm holes! I might even make that tomorrow! That will seem like record time.

The bit Im dreading is that this thing seems like its going to be a major challenge as it seems to imply you have to hang on to all the bits and join them together using the neck so I need a ton of bits to hold them on while I do the rest.. ick.. I didnt think of that..

Thankfully I just bought a shed load of needles on ebay and can use those :)

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